Group A


仲町 春奈 Haruna Nakamachi


Kyoto University of the Arts
Oil Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts


 It was a very valuable experience for me.
Through facing the students gave me a chance to think deeply about how I should approach my painting and how people should interact with each other.
It was the very first experience of me teaching painting to others.
I was so worried about how it would turn out, but every student worked passionately, was hardworking and earnest, so that I was able to enjoy teaching them! The beauty of the ocean made me feel like I wanted to paint it, and I found myself painting with the students!
It was a great experience for me to be able to do kind of work with everyone!
Thank you very much!


The Waves
村山 絢音(16歳/三重県) Ayane Murayama(16/Mie, Japan)

 I wanted to draw the waves right after I saw the beautiful color of the ocean. I am glad that I was able to learn from a college student that it is possible to draw rocks realistically by being aware of the three planes when drawing them.

The Ocean
谷岡 杏奈(14歳/三重県) Anna Tanioka(14/Mie, Japan)

 I usually draw pictures on a sketchbook which I buy from 100-yen shop (one dollar shop). However, this is the very first time I painted on canvas. As I stood the canvas on an easel and painted the ocean of Daioh Town, the sound of the waves was pleasant and made me forget about the daily life.

Group B


小南 秀智佳 Hidechika Kominami

大学院 美術科教育コース

Naruto University of Education
Art course, Graduate School of Education


 I think it is a precious experience that we rarely encounter in our daily lives to paint a picture where we decide where we want to paint, place the canvas, and take time to paint it.
We are looking forward to seeing what kind of artistic activities the students will do in the future after having such a precious experience.
I think that each one of the students has created a wonderful work of art by expressing their thoughts and feelings about what they want to draw.
Although some of them may have never used a painting knife before, and learned how to paint for the first time at the Daioh Town Painting Contest, I thought it was wonderful that they were able to find their own subjects by observing nature carefully and creatively, without being afraid to take on new challenges.


坂中 麻友(16歳/三重県) Mayu Sakanaka(16/Mie, Japan)


 The university student majoring art gave me tips on how to write and complimented me on the colors of the plants, and I was able to paint in my own way in a relaxed manner, which was a lot of fun. Although many of the participants had never met each other before, I was glad that we were able to communicate with each other through the common topic of our love for painting.

晴れの日の灯台 Lighthouse on a sunny day
林 亜鶴(15歳/三重県) Azuru Hayashi(15/Mie, Japan)


 It was the second time in my life that I had painted on canvas, so there were some things that didn't go well, but I appreciate the guidance of the teacher, I was able to finish my painting. I also enjoyed using the painting knife for the first time, and I think it broadened my range of expression on the painting.

私が見た灯台 The Lighthouse I Saw
松尾 海羽(13歳/三重県) Miu Matsuo(13/Mie, Japan)





 I had a lot of challenges drawing the clouds in this work. The shape of the clouds, their colors, and the way I painted them were all very difficult. However, with the advice of my teacher, I managed to draw something that I was satisfied with. Personally, I enjoyed drawing the grass.

Group C


成岡 弘騎 Hiroki Naruoka


Kyoto University of the Arts
Oil Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts


 Going outside to paint a picture may seem like a natural thing to do, but not many people do it.
We often look at photographs or other materials and paint indoors when we paint landscapes, but this often results in a picture that looks as if it was just painted.
Instead, we believe that going outside and actually experiencing the colors, air, and other environmental elements of the place will move us and lead us to the act of painting.
This project provided a good opportunity for junior and senior high school students to have such an experience, and at the same time, I was able to gain a valuable experience that made me realize many things while teaching junior and senior high school students.


心模様 In my mind
森下 未来(17歳/三重県) Miku Morishita(17/Mie, Japan)




 What I wanted to visualize was the beautiful scenery of the sea and the sky. As I love the sea, I wanted people to feel something through what I painted. I usually think and fix things by myself rather than asking others to teach me, so it was something new and fun to have others teach me how to do it.

八幡さん公園から見た灯台と海の景色 The lighthouse and the view of the sea from Hachiman-san Park
森下 葉南(14歳/三重県) Hana Morishita(14/Mie, Japan)


 I painted the shadow of the lighthouse, and the dark and bright sides of the sea as if it were a photograph. I was able to see which parts were bright and which parts were dark, and I was able to paint them creatively and one and only. I was able to paint a beautiful picture of the beautiful Daiohzaki Lighthouse so that it would be a fun, beautiful lighthouse and seascape to encounter.

Group D


大内田 加奈 Kana Ouchida


Kyoto University of the Arts
Oil Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts


 It was a very valuable experience for me to give advice junior high and high school students individually on how to draw and put their own ideas on their paintings themselves.
Since it was an opportunity to paint while directly observing the students, I wanted the students to enjoy painting as they felt.
Since many of the students were drawing in the same place, there were times when they were anxious that their work was totally different from everyone else's, but I told them that this was their individuality and it makes their works one and only.
I told them that it is not only important to draw well. You don't have to fit in with the people around you.
Both of the two students I was in charge of painted the sea and cliffs using various colors, not just the ones they saw, without me having to say anything.
I was happy to see that they were able to feel so many colors because they painted on site.
I hope that they will continue to paint their own works, valuing their own expression.


荒海 Riptide
城山 直樹((17歳/三重県)) Naoki Shiroyama((17/Mie, Japan))



 I wanted to people to feel the sound of the waves and realism of it as they rise on my paintings I wanted to draw it as if it were the real thing itself, but I was not able to stabilize the color tone or be conscious of the shape, unfortunately it did not look realistic at all.

初めての灯台 My First Lighthouse
廣 百恵(12歳/三重県) Momoe Hiro(12/Mie, Japan)





 It was my first time to paint a lighthouse. The teacher helped me with the difficult parts. I also used a painting knife for the first time. I enjoyed learning how to use it, so I used the painting knife for most of the pictures I painted this time. I would like to participate again.

Group E


田中 美早子 Misako Tanaka


Kyoto University of the Arts
Oil Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts


 I am very happy to be able to participate in this new project of the Daioh Town, which has another nickname of “the painting town of Daioh”.
I usually make prints of the mysterious world of living creatures.
I talked a lot with my students, and seeing them concentrate on their paintings made me motivated a lot. From now on, as a teacher, I make use of my experience and try my best to be a better teacher than I am now. I am from Mie, but I did not know much about Daioh, and I was impressed by such a wonderful place.
It is a beautiful town.
There are so many places that made me want to paint, and the food was delicious... I was very happy to be able to participate in this town where art is taking root, with the members of the executive committee who are full of local love, and with my art-loving friends.
Thank you for this precious experience.
It's nice to be in an art town.


大王の守り神 The Guardian God of the Daioh
世古 莉奈(15歳/三重県) Rina Seko(15/Mie, Japan)




 I painted the stone-like appearance of the guardian dogs, their expressions, and shadows consciously. It was difficult because of the rusty look of the stone and the details. It was my first time to use a painting knife, and I learned that it can be used for drawing various details.

公園にて At the park
渡辺 琴絵(15歳/三重県) Kotoe Watanabe(15/Mie, Japan)



 In order to express the grandeur and depth of the sea and sky in this work, I drew the land in the back of the picture faintly and blurred the boundary surface with the sea. I learned from the instructor that the color of the ocean in the back is faint, while the wavy part in the front is clearly visible.

嵐の前の静けさ The Calm Before the Storm
中村ゆいな(14歳/三重県) Yuina Nakamura(14/Mie, Japan)




 I chose the title "The Calm Before the Storm" because it started raining when I was painting this picture. I learned how to use tools and how to paint landscapes such as waves, under the guidance of my teacher. I would like to make use of this knowledge to create various kinds of pictures in the future.

Group F


中尾 光結 Miyu Nakao


Kyoto University of the Arts
Oil Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts


 Daiohzaki is a picturesque place wherever you look at.
I had never experienced painting in such a place.
My goal was for the students and I to enjoy our first experience together.
Therefore, after giving a little advice at the beginning, I did not say much to the students.
Although the two students painted almost the same composition and location, their impressions were different because they each painted exactly what they saw and felt.
It was raining unfortunately, but I believed that the experience of going outside, seeing, feeling, and drawing with their own eyes would help the students in their future work.


薄曇りの灯台 Lighthouse in a Light Cloudy Day
山本 紗英絵(17歳/三重県) Sae Yamamoto(17/Mie, Japan)



 In this work, I wanted to express the sense of depth when looking up at the lighthouse from under the stairs. To create a sense of depth, I was taught to place darker colors in the foreground, to intentionally blur the edges of the view, and to bring the staircase to the foreground.

自然を感じる灯台への道 The Road to the Lighthouse, a Sense of Nature
大西 玲海(15歳/三重県) Remi Onishi(15/Mie, Japan)




 I expressed the richness of plants with many colors and shapes. I was conscious of layering black on shadowy areas and white on bright areas. Under the guidance of the university students, I also painted the staircase in green, the color of plants, to create an overall cohesive look.

Group G


辻 希望 Nozomi Tsuji


Kyoto University of the Arts
Oil Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts


 I was in charge of a student who had excellent observation and drawing skills and a student who
was aiming for an art college with very beautiful use of varieties of colors.
I think it is our role to give advice to the students so that they can continue to enjoy painting and bring out the good qualities they already have and improve their skills on paintings, but due to my lack of ability of approaching, I could not give them advice as much as I would have liked.
I was able to see other teachers teaching, and I was able to learn how each teacher teaches.
It was also a good opportunity for me to reevaluate my own challenges and my lack of teaching ability.
As I become a teacher next year, I remember my experience at Daiohzaki which I gained so many learnings, and find a way of teaching that fits my own teaching style and that can bring out the best in each student.


アンテナ Antenna
中山 柊馬(16歳/三重県) Shuma Nakayama(16/Mie, Japan)



 This project was very informative, and I learned a lot in the limited time because each of the university students was very sincere in dealing with my work. I would be happy if everyone could feel the shimmer that I wanted to express in this work.

坂道 Slope
谷水 凛々花(13歳/三重県) Ririka Tanimizu(13/Mie, Japan)



 I was not very good at painting with acrylic paints, so it was a good experience for me to learn from the university students. I thought it would be a strange picture because I got bored easily and I am not good at using colors, so I just drew it on the spur of the moment without any idea of what I wanted to express, but fortunately it looked good when I looked it from afar.

Group H


福本 玲雄 Reo Fukumoto

大学院 美術科教育コース

Naruto University of Education
Art course, Graduate School of Education


 I usually paint oil paintings by myself, but I was painting a landscape of Daiohzaki with junior high and high school students as well as teaching them.
The students thought that six hours was a long time, but I told them that they should signing on their paintings for making themselves motivated, and I hope that they felt that they had completed their paintings.
I hope that the students were able to feel the difficulty and pleasure of looking at the object and drawing it, and how to reproduce a three-dimensional object in a two-dimensional space, as opposed to copying a photograph, and "what it means to draw with faith in their own eyes.”


灯台から見た海 The Sea as Seen from a Lighthouse
田野上 侑加(16歳/三重県) Yuka Tanoue(16/Mie, Japan)




 In this work, I painted in a rustic style, matching the weather at the time. I learned a lot from the tips on sketching, how to make colors, and how to paint. If there is a time in the future painting landscapes or watercolors, I would like to paint based on what I learned from the teacher this time.

First First
南 朱雀羽(14歳/三重県) Suzuha Minami(14/Mie, Japan)




 What I wanted to paint was the roughness and clarity of the waves. The waves were whitish, but I felt it was very beautiful that the bubbles were disappearing and becoming clearer, and things that had been hidden were coming out. It was my first time to have experience like this, so I could not put some on my work, but I am glad that I was able to complete it.

Group I


則包 怜音 Reo Norikane


Kyoto University of the Arts
Oil Painting Course, Department of Fine and Applied Arts


 For both of my students, the work they created this time was the largest canvas they have ever made in their lives.
I believe that completing a large work of art is very important for anyone who is engaged in painting.
I believe that completing a large canvas is very important for anyone involved in painting, not only because it gives them a sense of accomplishment, but also because once they get over one large piece, they are no longer afraid of the small canvases that they used to find so difficult and desperate, and they are motivated to paint even larger pieces.
I believe that the fact that they were able to complete the F10 canvas in such a short period of time will be a great source of inspiration for them in the future.
I hope that they will continue to face the world of painting in a broad and large way while updating the largest work of their lives.
I will be rooting for you!


私の視界 My Vision
城山 日歩(15歳/三重県) Nichiho Shiroyama(15/Mie, Japan)



 I usually paint realistic pictures most of time when I paint, but through this event, I learned the joy of painting from a different perspective. Through the paint I painted, I could finish it from a different point of view compared to what I usually paint.

私の思う灯台 The Lighthouse as my eyes see it
細川 夕葵(15歳/三重県) Yuzuki Hosokawa(15/Mie, Japan)



 The teacher told me, "You can paint whatever you want," so I was able draw the Daiohzaki Lighthouse as I saw, and as I wanted. It was the first time for me to use a painting knife, but once I learned how to use it, I enjoyed painting more.